Address: 50 Raffles Place 048623 Singapore

Opportunity alone does not guarantee success.

Opportunity alone does not guarantee success. What it takes is the right people, the right skills, and crucially, the right timing. The Arabic meaning of the word “Palm’ depicts the opportune and fertility and life at the right moment of time. It resonates with the pivotal ingredient of a successful trade – the capturing of the opportune moment, the key difference between success and failure.

The first and beginning was seized early 2000 through the formation of GoldenPalmGroup International ( GPG ) .

Founded by a unique world trading team of like minded veterans, all of whom possess diversified experience & expertise in the World Trade different industries, and the ability to excel both individually and collectively.

With a wealth of industry networks and expertise, the team also shares an unwavering commitment to add value to the hydrocarbon supply chain resulting in a win-win formulation for both GPG and our counter parties.
Testament to the reputation of the team, GPG is official Authorized and representing from all over the world first class International Manufactures – Producers and World Financial institutions and is also registered to trade with a large array of International Oil & Gas companies and oil majors, refineries and end users across the global trading platform.

We’re a rising upcoming leader in the global commodities market. We trade, source, store, ship as per clients demand and deliver to clients all over the world.

We perform a simple task. We identify and act on imbalances between supply and demand. We achieve that by moving physical commodities from places where they’re plentiful to where they’re required.

We’re tied to the worlds major producers and suppliers. We focus wholeheartedly on addressing global imbalances in supply and demand. We succeed by giving customers the best possible service.

Responsible : Our staff is excellent in the worldwide trade ethics and skills , through their bilingual Communication & Multi cultural qualities makes their sales of high efficiency in professionalism and productivity. This gives them a strong commitment to the business and they act with high responsibility towards delivering on our commitments to our clients.

Global Presence : We operate in a lean, efficient and high responsive business way through our global presence in many countries all over the world. We’re active in Europe , Middle East, South & Central America and Asia and operate in Multi time zones around the clock.

Outstanding Logistics : Clients and partners benefit from the quality of our logistics Partners. We invest across the commodity supply chain to bring products to market efficiently and cost-effectively.

A Long -Term Perspective : Ours is a long-term business model. We are building partnerships with host governments, project partners and local communities that deliver lasting, shared value on the long term for both parties.

Physical Activities : We negotiate off-take agreements with oil producers, refiners, resellers, mining companies and smelters , commodities producers. We source product and forward to physical markets.

GPG has 7 offices direct offices and 5 Rep offices in 3 continents. Each office has access to the knowledge, resources and support of our worldwide network. Global activities are managed regionally in Singapore, Hong Kong, Jakarta, Jeddah, Rotterdam, Zurich, Caracas and Santiago de Chile . And we have our official Mandate Representatives in South Korea, Vietnam, Brunei, Italy
and Russia – 85 percent of our employees are local Nationals.

The Group is well diversified by product and by region. We deal with a diverse customer base around the globe. Customers and Suppliers for oil and petroleum products include electric utilities, refiners, majors and State-owned oil companies. On the non-ferrous and bulk commodities side, our customers range from all level in the business.

Devolving decision-making: Every GPG employee has a part to play in shaping our work ethic and developing our strategy. We encourage all colleagues to take initiative. Our flat management structure devolves responsibility and accelerates decision-making. Strong local representation makes us more responsive and flexible. It promotes greater accountability across the business and helps us build mutually beneficial relationships with partners, clients and communities.

Sharing global resources : We maintain close links across our global network. Each of our offices has access to up- to-the-minute insight, market knowledge and worldwide support.

Rewarding excellence : We have an established record of retaining high-achievers. Human resources specialists support each business unit. We focus on developing our existing staff and encourage them to realize their full potential.

Incentivizing our people : We want our customers to have total faith in our ability to deliver consistently impressive results. Under our partnership model, employees are the Company’s owners. They have a personal stake in our collective future. This provides powerful motivation.

Trading is at the heart of GPG’s operations. Our company was built upon the successful trading of Heavy Metal Steel – Gas – Oil and Crude products, which enabled us to invest in talent and expertise in new areas to steadily diversify into a fully integrated company.

Today, GPG is rising to become one of the upcoming traders of Gas and oil products in the Market, along with being a major player in a broad range of commodities, including HMS1 & HMS2 , Raw & Refined Sugar, Commercial Aircraft and Financial Banking trade programs. Our main trading
offices are in Singapore, Hong Kong, Rotterdam, Jakarta, Jeddah and Santiago de Chile.

Commodities are not always produced close to where there is demand. Physical traders act as distributors, supplying clients and moving products around the world. Most of the world’s oil is produced in the Middle East & Russia, whilst most of the demand is in Asia.

The balance between supply and demand in energy and commodity products can be affected by many factors. In the longer term, demand trends are driven by economic conditions, technological advances or changes in government policy.

In addition to long term supply arrangements with clients – ensuring industrial clients have a steady supply of product they need to continue with the smooth day-to-day running of their operations –physical commodity trading firms seek to identify and address short term market imbalances.

Goldenpalmgroup operates as a representative for various global Buyer parties and sellers from all over the world. Our clients are Chemical Companies – Airlines – Governments and sub Government contractors as well as International Private companies and Semi State owned Companies.

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Dream Big

Inspiring Solutions

Dear Beloved Partners,

As the CEO & Founder of the GoldenpalmGroup International, it gives me great honor to welcome you to our global trade and Business development Group - a platform created and designed to serve mankind and bring benefits to humankind worldwide.

In the path to success, there are always differences and difficulties that will try to stop us. However, in GoldenPalmGroup we believe on every obstacle lies the true essence of business where the global market demands for better and tougher partnership in order for the balance of the business worlds.

CEO & Founder
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Spiritual Road

“Wisdom in Diversity … Strength in Unity”

“There are not more than five Musical notes, yet the combinations of these five give riso to more Melodies than can ever be heard.

There are not more than five primary Colours, yet in combination they produce more hues than can ever been seen.

There are not more than five cardinal Tastes, yet combinations of them yield more flavours than can ever be Tasted”  

Sun Tzu, The Art of War –
